photo: Holladay Photography
Currently located in Denver, Colorado, Conor Baldry often explores his surroundings as an opportunity to open the doors of possibility for creative development. With an ever-interconnected affiliation to the encapsulating network of systematic universal language, he examines structures of nature paralleled by the dynamics of being and perspectives thereof through the practice of art through the utilization of different mediums. Conor specializes in traditional printmaking techniques such as intaglio, lithography, and screen printing, however employs an artistic practice that often reaches beyond these limitations, integrating and experimenting with the potential outcomes of different creative formulations that manifest through an interdisciplinary practice. As ideas circulate and new perspectives alleviate the complexities within direct experience, Conor Baldry executes an artistic practice that is often seen as an interpretive, open-ended, method of communication between ourselves, structures, and the space in which everything exists.